It is easy to assume that you only go to your chiropractor for chiropractic care and to your acupuncturist for acupuncture treatments, but some chiropractors offer both services. Chiropractic care establishes healthy alignment of your spine and helps your nervous system operate more efficiently with less pain. Acupuncture enhances pain relief by helping your whole body get back into balance. At Socal Neck & Back Injury Center in Downey, CA, chiropractors Dr. Marvin C. Lee and Dr. Sang (Ted) Lee work with third-generation Korean-style acupuncturist Dr. Jinhur Lee to use both acupuncture and chiropractic to help you heal inside and out.

What is different about Korean-style acupuncture?

Korean style acupuncture begins with a whole-body analysis, just like acupuncture in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Where Korean-style acupuncture differs from the Chinese style is in the placement of the needles. Korean-style acupuncturists focus treatment on points on the hands and ears rather than all over the body. This makes acupuncture treatments a more pleasant experience that gets the same pain-relieving results.

Korean-style acupuncture also uses fewer needles. At Socal Neck & Back Injury Center in Downey, CA, our third-generation acupuncturist Dr. Lee is an expert in “sa-am,” or four-needle technique. Two needles reduce nerve impulses to parts of the body that are overactive, and two needles increase nerve impulses to parts of the body that are overactive. Your treatment may not involve exactly four needles. Every patient is different.

Does acupuncture and treatment from my chiropractor really work?

If you were to do a quick search on PubMed, you would find no fewer than 435 studies confirming that acupuncture is effective treatment for back and pain. If you were to do a search on chiropractic care for back pain, you would find no fewer than 347 studies confirming chiropractic care is effective treatment for back and neck pain. And if you were to look up studies on the combined use of these two modalities for treating back and neck pain, you would find confirmation that people who receive both acupuncture and chiropractic care gain control over their pain and take increasing control over their health during the course of their treatment.

Let Socal Neck & Back Injury Center in Downey, CA, help you take back control over your life

Chiropractic care and acupuncture relieve pain without drugs and without surgery. They are completely natural approaches to getting rid of the lingering effects of back and neck injuries that can take over your life. Call us at (562) 321-5225 or request an appointment online today! The offices of Socal Neck & Back Injury Center, Lee Chiropractic Inc. are located at 12146 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90242.

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